EBEN General Assembly 2022
June 30, 5pm
Round Table Business in Countries of War:
How can Business Ethics Contribute to Peace?
Detailed information about General Assembly and Peace roundtable:
Agenda General Assembly EBEN 30/6/2022
Agenda General Assembly EBEN 30/6/2022
The general assembly will be followed by a virtual event on business contributing to peace. We have invited two distinguished speakers from business practice who will present their view on the topic.
After this we will have a general discussion about the role of business based on the presentations and contributions from EBEN-members.
The company's website is: https://www.medline.eu/es/
Since April 2011 Biggeri has been the Chairman of Etica Sgr. Since 2017 he has been a director of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values and since 2018 has been Deputy Chairman of Shareholders for Change, the network of European institutional investors promoting active share ownership.
EDHEC Business School
Lynda SION
Lille Campus
24 Av. Gustave Delory,
59100 Roubaix,