About EBEN

European Business Ethics Network EBEN is a society which supports corporate ethics initiatives at the cross-European, national and regional levels. It has 18 National Networks established in several countries as well as other active groups in over 40 countries.

EBEN’s mission is to promote ethics and excellence in business in order to increase awareness about ethical challenges in the global marketplace and to enable dialogue on the role of business in society.

At present, EBEN’s main activities are its Annual Conference (AC), a PhD Workshop preceding the AC, a Research Conference (RC) and various Interest Groups concentrating on one specific topic.

EBEN has a long tradition of organizing Annual Conferences where academics and practitioners share their experiences and learn from each other to bridge the gap between the academic and the corporate world. Annual Conferences are hosted by a national team, bringing people together around a central and current theme.

EBEN Research Conferences are also held yearly, with the aim of bringing together academics, preferably young academics, to present and discuss their new ideas and approaches around some specific theme in the field of business ethics.




"The mission of EBEN is to promote ethics and excellence in businesses, to increase awareness about ethical challenges in the global market­place and to enable dialogue on the role of business in society."

The EBEN main tasks

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EBEN Staff
Our Networks
The European Business Ethics Network supports initiatives at cross-European, National and regional levels. We have 18 National Networks established in several countries